I started writing this blog post talking about my decision to do #mediafreemarch and I found myself going on so many tangents (standard, let's be honest!), as I've got a lot I want to say on the matter.
But it all feels pointless.
Right now it's clear people are only hearing what they want to hear. They are cancelling people who they disagree with and they are tunnel vision on only believing one narrative. One of my favourite sayings is that there are 3 sides to every story - one persons truth, another persons truth, and then the actual truth (which often lie somewhere in the middle).
It's not entirely people's fault as truth can often be difficult to decipher when agendas are being pushed, but it is truly heartbreaking to see.
I'm a pretty damn positive person. I can find silver-linings in everything. Literally fucking everything. Honestly, I can. Some people would say it's one of the most annoying things about me I truly believe that life is always happening for us and we have the ability to learn and grow through even the worst of adversities. But I also believe we are allowed to feel the feels and take some time to process something before jumping on the positive thoughts bandwagon.
The last few months I've felt a huge heavy energy around the state of affairs and it's affected my mental health a lot more than I initially realised. I've shared a couple of posts and comments recently on my views and opinions, particularly around how I've been feeling and the way it's impacting my life and the lives of many people I care about. Sadly some of the things I have shared have been met with dismissive comments, being unfriended, a complete lack of empathy and just a general vibe that is not what I choose to surround myself with.
I don't expect everyone to agree with me on things. People are all entitled to their own opinions. In fact, I heavily encourage free thinking and your right to speak up and share your views. But doing it from a place of kindness and compassion, without leading with "at least you…" isn't too much to ask.
And now, as if still dealing with all of the covid drama wasn't enough, there is now a war breaking out overseas. This is terrible and scary and I feel for everyone who is fleeing for their lives right now. I never condone violence and I'd never wish what is happening on anyone.
But it's important to remember that like with all mainstream media we are only seeing one side of the full story. I'm not saying the war isn't happening or that you shouldn't share your condolences for everyone affected, but I want to encourage you to look at news sources that share a different perspective before we all jump on a hate wagon. Russell Brand shared a fantastic video on his YouTube channel which articulates things beautifully (honestly, he's my first go-to for a lighthearted, factual perspective view on current affairs) which I will link in the comments below. He raises some great points about things that we CAN do to make the world better, and it starts with us.
I also want to take a moment to remind you that, whilst yes what is happening overseas can put what we are dealing with here "in perspective" and that it highlights just how lucky we are in this country with the freedom and safety we do have, we need to STOP dismissing how people are feeling about the things that do affect and impact them and the people they love and care about. I have been so disappointed seeing comments suggesting that the freedom protestors should be feeling embarrassed or ashamed of themselves, and that they don't know what lack of freedom is. (Remember that they are protesting for freedom of choice for a vaccine)
Stop. Comparing. One. Persons. Challenges. To. Another.
We are all human beings going through our own human experiences, navigating the individual challenges that we are dealt the best we know how. There is ALWAYS someone that has it worse but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel the way you feel about things. And the sooner we stop dismissing people, the sooner we will learn that growth and change comes from supporting each other and being good, kind humans. Not tearing each other down and telling people to "get over it".
Stand up for things you believe in.
Speak up about things that are important to you.
Stop believing everything you read/hear.
And be fucking kind to people, damn it.
*And if you're finding yourself also feeling worn down by the negativity, biased media and a**holes on the internet, I highly encourage you switching off from it all for a while.