heart strong

Life can be hard sometimes.

And it's a heck of a lot harder when you don't know where to begin putting the pieces back together after shit goes down. When you're feeling broken, time seems to go in slow motion, and it feels like you're going to be in that pain and heartache forever.

I know because I've been there. It sucks.

In 2019 my 4 year relationship ended with the guy that I thought was my "forever" person. It wasn't a fun time, let me tell you. I would go as far as to say it was the absolute worst pain I've ever experienced in my life (if you've been there, you can relate).

That July was a rough month. Many people I spoke with shared stories of their own heartbreaks and how many months/years it took them to heal and move on. But I just wasn't willing to accept that as my reality, and some time in August I realised I no longer wanted him back.

I'm so damn grateful for all of the personal development I'd done in the lead up as I am absolutely certain that I wouldn't have bounced back as quickly as I did if I'd not spent time, energy and money investing in myself and empowering myself with the tools and knowledge (I didn't know I needed) to get me through the breakup.

So here's the thing...

I'm not saying I want you to get your heartbroken (in fact I sincerely hope that you don't), but even if it's not heartbreak, there are going to be times when stuff happens that shakes your world. We all experience disappointment, loss, and heartache in some way, shape or form throughout our life, so having the tools to get through those times as best possible is priceless.

I want everyone to empower themselves to be able to handle whatever life throws at them. And I don't mean just be able to sweep it under the rug and move on. I mean like really, really handle it. And move forward. As fast possible.

One of the most common questions I've been asked over the last year or so was, "How did you manage to get over the breakup so quickly?"

Ultimately, when I sat down to figure out what the main contributing factors were it came down to 5 main things.

  1. Knowing who I was on my own, just me.

  2. Understanding that there is always powerful lessons to be learned in any situation.

  3. Taking ownership of everything. Learning to own everything and expect nothing.

  4. Being able to forgive anyone for anything. No exceptions.

  5. Having an unwavering belief that that which is meant for us will not pass us, and knowing it's always "this or something better".

Honestly, these things were my superpowers and I don't know who I'd be today without them.

Knowing, understanding, embodying and living these beliefs has changed who I am, and completely changed my outlook on life.

Not only did this mindset help me get through the incredible heartbreak of 2019, some of these tools also supported me through a redundancy, a nationwide lockdown (an isolated extrovert... not ideal) and the grief of both my Father and Grandmother passing at different times during 2020.

I'm certain that you've got memories of times that you've experienced heartache, and I'm going to make the assumption that you wish you knew how to deal with it better at the time.

All of this is WHY I have poured my heart and soul into putting together this epic group program, designed to EMPOWER you to be able to handle whatever life throws at you.

  • 5 Weeks. 5 Lessons.

  • 5 Facebook Live Calls

  • Unlimited Group Chat Access via the FB group

  • Weekly tasks and rituals

  • Bonus Content (there is SO much that I wanted to put in this course, that it's likely I'll drop in some added bonuses over the duration)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS - All recordings and content will be made available for you to access whenever you desire.

All of this awesomeness is available to you for the crazy low price of $333 (Pay in Full). Payment plan options available.

Make 2021 the time you invest in yourself, and get mentally and emotionally geared up for an epic year ahead (because let's face it, 2020 didn't exactly go how we imagined it would).

We kicked off on Monday 11th January but it’s not too late to jump in. The content stays in the group so you can start whenever!

Secure your space today and sign up below. (An invoice will be sent after you register)